Results for 'Lewis Ellsworth Akeley'

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  1.  53
    Bergson and science.Lewis Ellsworth Akeley - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (3):270-287.
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    The problematic situation. Its symbolization and meanings.Lewis E. Akeley - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (25):673-681.
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    Wholes and prehensive unities for physics and philosophy.Lewis E. Akeley - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (22):589-608.
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    Appraisal Theory: Old and New Questions.Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (2):125-131.
    I describe my current thinking on two old questions—the causal role of appraisals and the relationship of appraisal theories to basic emotions theories and constructivist theories, and three (sort of) new questions—the completeness of appraisals, the role of language, and the development of automaticity in emotional responses.
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    Shades of Joy: Patterns of Appraisal Differentiating Pleasant Emotions.Phoebe C. Ellsworth & Craig A. Smith - 1988 - Cognition and Emotion 2 (4):301-331.
  6.  60
    William James and emotion: Is a century of fame worth a century of misunderstanding?Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (2):222-229.
  7. Legal reasoning.Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison, The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 685--704.
  8.  28
    Appraisals and Reappraisals in the Courtroom.Phoebe C. Ellsworth & Adrienne Dougherty - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):20-25.
    This article provides a brief introduction to psychological emotion theories, particularly appraisal theory. According to appraisal theory emotions are combinations of a person’s appraisal of the novelty, valence, certainty, goal conduciveness, causal agency, controllability, and morality of a situation. These dimensions correspond to elements of the stories attorneys attempt to create in arguing a case. Appraisal theory puts specific content into the vague concept of reappraisal, accounting for emotional changes that go beyond the changes in valence and intensity generally studied (...)
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    When does an experimenter bias?Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):392-393.
  10.  30
    Components, Networks, and Their Interactions.Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):232-233.
    Some thoughts on the nature of networks, the prevalence of emotional experiences, and the importance of new questions.
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    Basic Emotions and the Rocks of New Hampshire.Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):21-26.
    This article describes James’s distaste for taxonomic classification of emotion and argues that he would not have been pleased by current scholarship which still focuses on the definition and classification of discrete emotions, distracting scholars from more fundamental underlying processes. I argue that as in James’s time, current taxonomies are still arbitrary and still constrain the kinds of questions psychologists ask.
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    Recovering and Expanding the Normative: Marx and the New Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.Ellsworth R. Fuhrman & William T. Lynch - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (2):233-248.
    It was customary in traditional approaches to the sociology of knowledge to bracket either questions about the possibility of the social determination of natural scientific ideas or questions about the ability of the sociology of knowledge to evaluate other types of knowledge claims. The current strong program in the sociology of knowledge, a typical representative of the new approach to the sociology of science, wants to study the production of natural scientific knowledge scientifically and simultaneously bracket normative considerations. We criticize (...)
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    The US Holocaust Museum as a scene of pedagogical address.Elizabeth Ann Ellsworth - 2002 - Symploke 10 (1):13-31.
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    The normative structure of critical theory.Ellsworth Fuhrman - 1979 - Human Studies 2 (1):209 - 227.
  15. Improved stereoscopic performance with consistent vergence and accommodative cues in a novel 3-D display.A. R. Girshick, K. Akeley, S. J. Watt & M. S. Banks - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 42.
  16. Appraisal Theories of Emotion: State of the Art and Future Development.Agnes Moors, Phoebe C. Ellsworth, Klaus R. Scherer & Nico H. Frijda - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (2):119-124.
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    Decision-Theoretic Analysis of Rawls' Original Position.Leon Ellsworth - 1978 - In A. Hooker, J. J. Leach & E. F. McClennen, Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Vol.II: Epistemic and Social Applications. D. Reidel. pp. 29--45.
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  18.  26
    Season of birth.Ellsworth Huntington - 1940 - The Eugenics Review 31 (4):232.
  19.  30
    Author Reply: What is a Basic Emotion Theorist?Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):49-51.
    William James was not a basic emotion theorist in that he did not propose a list of basic emotions or concern himself with the question of which emotions were really basic. He may have believed that some emotions evolved earlier and spread more widely than others; whether this makes him a basic emotion theorist is a matter of taste.
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    Fabricating authenticity.Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander (eds.) - 2024 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    Fabricating Authenticity explores everyday examples that work as productive conversation-starters for those wanting to complicate and examine authenticity claims, thus making this an ideal volume for the introductory classroom and beyond.
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  21.  46
    Michael H. v. Gerald D.: A Case Study of Political Ideology Disguised in Legal Thought.Jeffrey A. Ellsworth - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (1):105-122.
    The author attempts to apply semiotic analysis to a question of family law. By examining the language used by the Supreme Court in the title case, Michael H. v. Gerald D., along with the case briefs, lower court opinions, other Supreme Court cases and prior legal scholarship, the author attempts to determine the requisite relationships between father–child and father–mother in order for a legal tie to exist between a father and his biological child. The author tries to not only determine (...)
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  22. Marketing the authentic taco.Jason W. M. Ellsworth - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander, Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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    Recent Developments 30-2.Jeffrey Ellsworth & Sandy Lamalle - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (2):359-362.
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    (5 other versions)Recent Developments.Jeffrey Ellsworth & Sandy Lamalle - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (3):539-541.
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    Why Postmodernists Can't Read Kant Without Producing Cant.C. Ellsworth Hood - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 481-489.
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  26.  89
    The Origin of Punishment.Ellsworth Faris - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (1):54-67.
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    The Rationale of Punishment. Heinrich Oppenheimer.Ellsworth Faris - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (1):113-114.
  28.  15
    Ethnomethodology as Technocratic Ideology: Policing Epistemic Boundaries.Ellsworth Fuhrman & William T. Lynch - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (2):234-236.
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    On the circulation and legitimation of social science knowledge: The case of finnish sociology.Ellsworth Fuhrman & Erkki Kaukonen - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (1):43 – 59.
  30.  39
    Science and finnish sociology: Reply to allardt and Kelle.Ellsworth Fuhrman & Erkki Kaukonen - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (4):353 – 355.
  31.  38
    STS and utopian thinking.Ellsworth R. Fuhrman - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (1):85 – 93.
    I (however fractured that may be) desire to continue the dialogue about politics and STS. In particular, I want to extend some of the ideas articulated by Haraway and Latour about STS and politics in our time. First, I lay out what some of the issues are : the contradictions of postmodernity; second, I describe the political and economic context in which some STS work gets done. Third, through the use of science fiction in the work of Kim Stanley Robinson's (...)
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    Scattered sociology: A response to Bash.Ellsworth Fuhrman - 1989 - Social Epistemology 3 (3):247 – 249.
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  33.  18
    Are Manipulation Checks Necessary?David J. Hauser, Phoebe C. Ellsworth & Richard Gonzalez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:362650.
    Researchers are concerned about whether manipulations have the intended effects. Many journals and reviewers view manipulation checks favorably, and they are widely reported in prestigious journals. However, the prototypical manipulation check is a verbal (rather than behavioral) measure that always appears at the same point in the procedure (rather than its order being varied to assess order effects). Embedding such manipulation checks within an experiment comes with problems. While we conceptualize manipulation checks as measures, they can also act as interventions (...)
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  34.  59
    An appraisal theory of empathy and other vicarious emotional experiences.Joshua D. Wondra & Phoebe C. Ellsworth - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (3):411-428.
  35.  73
    Situational differences in dialectical emotions: Boundary conditions in a cultural comparison of North Americans and East Asians.Janxin Leu, Batja Mesquita, Phoebe C. Ellsworth, Zhang ZhiYong, Yuan Huijuan, Emma Buchtel, Mayumi Karasawa & Takahiko Masuda - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (3):419-435.
  36.  74
    Thoreau's importance for philosophy.Rick Anthony Furtak, Jonathan Ellsworth & James D. Reid (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The purpose of this volume is to remedy this neglect, to explain Thoreau's philosophical significance, and to argue that we can still learn from his polemical conception of philosophy.
  37.  55
    Book Review:The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism. W. B. Pillsbury. [REVIEW]Ellsworth Faris - 1920 - International Journal of Ethics 30 (3):339-.
  38.  60
    Book Review:The Story of Punishment--A Record of Man's Inhumanity to Man. Harry Elmer Barnes. [REVIEW]Ellsworth Faris - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (2):261-.
  39. Beauty and Goodness: Art and Morality.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1926 - International Journal of Ethics 36 (4):394-402.
  40. Usefulness, goodness, and beauty.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):64-71.
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  41. The concept of expression in esthetic theory. I.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):40-53.
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  42. The significance of artistic form.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (12):324-328.
  43. The interactions of beauty and truth.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1925 - Journal of Philosophy 22 (15):393-402.
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  44. Beauty and religion.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (24):654-662.
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  45. Afterword: A little heritage goes a long way.Andie Alexander & Jason W. M. Ellsworth - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander, Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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  46. Anderson, C. and Benson, TW (1988)'Ditect Cinema and the Myth of Informed.E. Aronson, P. C. Ellsworth, J. M. Carlsmith & M. H. Gonzalez - 2000 - In Helen Simons & Robin Usher, Situated ethics in educational research. New York: Routledge. pp. 186.
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  47. The concept of expression in esthetic theory. II.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):57-71.
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    The Sublime, the Beautiful, and the Good.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 37 (2):159-172.
  49.  89
    Ugliness and Evil.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1928 - International Journal of Ethics 38 (3):307-315.
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    Recent Publications 30-1.Sandy Lamalle & Jeffrey Ellsworth - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):179-180.
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